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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Kelbim's Fortress

Kelbim's Fortress is a zone with a time limit for characters of Lv. 85 and above.


Kelbim's Fortress is a zone with a time limit for characters of Lv. 85 and above.

Cycle Lv. Base time limit Time extension Teleport rate PvP Attribute
Weekly 85+ 600 min. (10 hours) 100 hours 100,000 adena Available Water
  • You can enter Kelbim's Fortress via the Special Zones menu.
  • Entry is available from Monday to Friday from 16:00 to 00:00 (server time).
  • To extend your time limit, you can use the item  Kelbim's Fortress's Time Stone.
    • O item Kelbim's Fortress' Time Stone can be bought in the L2 Store for  4.90 zCoin, or can be obtained through drops from special monsters in the zone and events.
  • My Teleports, summoning and Share Location are unavailable within the zone.
  • The daily mission Explore Kelbim's Fortress and Pagan Temple is disabled.

About the area

  • Access to Kelbim's Fortress is interspersed with Pagan Temple, which means that the week Kelbim's Fortress is available, Pagan Temple will be closed (i.e. one week you can only access Kelbim's Fortress and the next, only Pagan Temple).
  • Immediately after entering, you will see the NPC Stronghold Teleportwhich will help you move anywhere in the Zone:
    • Surroundings to the fortress
    • Bridge Fortress
    • Fortress Yard

Special monsters

On Fridays, from 6 p.m. to midnight, special Fortress Praetorian and Fortress Guard Captain monsters appear in the area. You can obtain them:

  • Knights' Merit Badge (drop disabled at the moment)
    • Collect a certain number of them to create Evil Energy using the Special Art.
  • Tobald's Prophesy Pack (drop disabled at the moment)
    • Obtaining one of the following itens: Augmenting Stone: Weapon, Aden's Soul Crystal Lv. 1 - Weapon, Hardin's Soul Crystal Lv. 1, Spirit Ore, Tobald's Prophesy - 1st Page, Tobald's Prophesy - 2nd Page, Tobald's Prophesy - 3rd Page, Tobald's Prophesy - 4th Page, Tobald's Prophesy - 5th Page, Tobald's Prophesy - 1st Page Fragment, Tobald's Prophesy - 2nd Page Fragment, Tobald's Prophesy - 3rd Page Fragment, Tobald's Prophesy - 5th Page Fragment
  • Blessing Scroll - Weapon
  • Blessing Scroll - Armor


Kelbim Raids

  • On Fridays, at 10pm, the raid Kelbim is spawned.
    • When Kelbim appears, 1 of the 7 "Commanders" will randomly appear, and using the NPC Stronghold Teleport located in the entrance area, you can move to Kelbim.
  • When Kelbim's HP drops to 40%, Furious Kelbim has a 50% chance of appearing.
    • If Furious Kelbim appears, then at the location of Kelbim's defeat the NPC Stronghold Teleport is spawned, with which you can teleport to Furious Kelbim.
    • Using the Stronghold Teleport, which is located at the starting location, you can also move to Furious Kelbim.
    • You can teleport to Furious Kelbim once for free. When used again, the "Teleport Overload" effect is applied, which increases the teleport cost by 2,500,000 adena at each level. Maximum level of the effect - Lv. 40. Upon reaching this level, the teleport fee becomes 10,000,000 adena.
  • After 5 minutes, the "Teleport Overload" effect disappears. When you join Furious Kelbim again, the effect is applied from Lv. 1.
Name Description
Teleport Overload Allows you to move to the upper floors of Kelbim's Fortress, but is overloaded. The cost of the teleport depends on the level of overload.

Drops and Raid Chest Luck

Raid Boss Schedule Rewards
22:00 Kelbim Chest
DKP Special Chest Lv. 2

Raid Chest Luck +3%
Furious Kelbim 22:00
(50% chance after Kelbim's HP drops to 40%)
Furious Kelbim Chest
DKP Special Chest Lv. 3
Raid Chest Luck +4%