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Terms of Service

Terms and conditions

These Regulations give the following definitions to the terms used:
1. Provider - L2 Production - which owns and maintains the Internet service and the game accessible on the website.

2. Player - an individual with full legal capacity who has created an Account on the Service;

3. Platform - an Internet platform available at the Internet address, owned and maintained by the Provider. The game "zGaming" (hereinafter also referred to as the "Game") is an integral part of the Platform, enabling the Player to use the Services;

4. Service/Services - all services provided by the Provider to the Player within the Platform, including, in particular, but not exclusively, enabling the use of the Game;

5. Regulations - these Regulations;

6. Privacy Policy - the document regulating the security of privacy protection and the processing of Players' personal data; the Privacy Policy is a supplement to these Regulations and can be accessed at [Privacy Policy].

7. The General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD), Law No. 13,709, enacted on August 14, 2018, was established to protect the fundamental rights of freedom, privacy and the free formation of each individual's personality.

8. Game Account - an individually separated part of the Game for the Player to use the game correctly.

9. Contract - a contract concluded between the Provider and the Player, the subject of which is the use of the Services by the Player, the provisions of which are defined in the Regulations.

§2 General provisions

(1) These Regulations define the conditions of use of the Services provided by the Provider.

2. These Regulations are accessible to each Player free of charge, on the Platform's website, before entering into the Contract. The Regulations are available in such a way as to allow the conditions to be recorded via the IT system used by the Player.

3. The Player may use the Services only after having read and accepted the terms and conditions of the Regulations and the Privacy Policy. If the Player does not accept the Regulations or the Privacy Policy, he is not authorized to use the Services.

4. Some Services may be subject to additional provisions, and such additional provisions will be communicated in connection with the applicable Services. Such additional provisions are in addition to and will form part of the Regulations for the specific Services. If there is any conflict between the provisions of these additional terms with respect to such Services, the additional terms shall prevail over the Regulations.

5. The Privacy Policy accessible on this site is a supplement to the Regulations.

6. The following minimum technical requirements must be met in order to use the Services:
a) Operating system: Windows 7 32-bit;
b) Processor: Intel Pentium 4 - 3.0 GHz;
c) Memory: 1024 MB;
d) HDD space: 8 GB
e) Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT or ATI Radeon X1600;
f) Connection: 1 Mpbs;

7. The use of the Services is free of charge, subject to possible data transmission costs, which result from agreements concluded by the Player with telecommunications operators or other Internet providers.

8. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6. above, the Player may make voluntary payments to the Provider as part of the use of the Game and in exchange for the benefits detailed in the Game (for each transaction).

9. The Player may not provide illegal content or use the Services in a manner inconsistent with these Regulations, applicable laws, good manners and social practices. Detailed provisions on the regulation of misuse of the Services are described in the following sections of the Regulations.

10. The Platform, the Game and their components, including design and content, are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property laws. These components may not be reproduced, distributed or published by the Player, in part or in whole, without the consent of the Provider. In particular, the Regulations do not allow the Player to reproduce, distribute, lend, discard or otherwise redistribute directly or indirectly, whether in exchange for payment or free of charge, elements of the Services, the Platform or the Game without the consent of the Provider.

§3 Player status

1. Subject to sections 2 and 3 of this paragraph, Players may only be natural persons who are at least 18 years of age and have full legal capacity.

2. If the Player is between 13 and 18 years of age, he may use the Services to the extent that he is capable of acquiring rights and incurring responsibilities in accordance with the laws applicable to them. If applicable law requires the consent of a legal guardian to use the Services, the legal guardian must agree to their conclusion and use by an underage Player no later than the conclusion of the Agreement.

3. The Player's legal guardian (who is between 13 and 18 years of age) is obliged to provide consent to the conclusion of the Contract and use of the Services at any request from the Service Provider.

4. In order to use the Services correctly, the Player must have an active game account. For this purpose, he completes the registration procedures via the Service, using the appropriate functionalities and providing his e-mail address.

5. A Contract for an indefinite period of time is concluded between the Provider and the Player upon registration of a Player Account.

6. Creating an Account is possible using the appropriate features within the Game.

7. Provider may send e-mails to active Players regarding changes in the use of the Services.

8. The Player is responsible for what happens in and through their Player Account (unless a third party has hacked into their Player Account). Therefore, the Player may not share the Player Account with third parties and is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her login and password. If the Player becomes aware that an unauthorized person is using or has used his/her Player Account, he/she must immediately inform the Provider. The Player Account is non-transferable.

9. Actions particularly prohibited:
a) duplicating the Platform or its elements in any way and to any extent;
b) interfering with the source code of the Platform or the Game and its elements in any way and to any extent;
c) taking other actions that may result in damage to the Provider.

10. Any violation of these Regulations by the Player may result in temporary or permanent blocking of access to the Services, as well as permanent deletion of the Player Account.

§4. Services

1. The main functionality of the Platform is to provide the Player with the possibility of installing and using (playing) the Game.

2. Provider may freely expand and create new Services in the future. Updated or new Services may be subject to additional provisions of these Regulations, which will be communicated to the Player prior to their effective date.

3. The Provider, without amending the Regulations, has the right to introduce or amend the payment rules for selected Services at any time. Access to the aforementioned Services shall then be subject to payment in accordance with the model adopted by the Provider (e.g. subscription/single payment model) and in accordance with the price list.

4. In the event of the introduction of payment for Services, which were previously free of charge, existing (active) Players will be informed of this fact by e-mail at least 7 days in advance. The message will include details of new regulations. Players may resign from using the Platform or the Game at any time. Any new provisions of the Regulations must be accepted by the Player before they come into force. At the same time, the Player is aware and agrees that non-acceptance may prevent them from using the Game or Platform.

§5. Liability

1. The Provider is not liable for damages resulting from the Player's fault in the following circumstances:
a) breach of these Regulations by the Player,
b) the login details of the Player's Player Account are made public/known to third parties due to the Player's action or negligence,
c) inappropriate use of the Service by the Player,
d) force majeure.

2. Provider is not responsible for the content and effects of advertisements displayed on the Platform or in the Game.

3. Provider is not responsible for Service failures and other technical problems resulting from force majeure.

4. The Player may not, without the signed written consent of a legally authorized representative of the Provider, do any of the following:
a) Misappropriate, violate or infringe any intellectual property rights of third parties and/or the Provider;
b) Use or provide to third parties any software related to the Game, including any automation software (also known as "bot") or software designed to alter or modify the operation of the Game;
c) Use or provide to third parties any "hack", "cheat", "exploit" or "mod" or interfere in any other way;
d) Use or provide to third parties any service related to the Game, including, but not limited to:
(i) any service that interacts with the software; or
(ii) any service that alters characteristics related to the Game Account, such as increasing the level of a character;
e) Knowingly affecting the Service, the Game, the software by means of any bloatware, malware, computer virus, worm, Trojan horse, spyware, adware, crimeware, scareware, rootkit or any other program installed in such a way that the executable code of any program is programmed to use or uses processor cycles during periods of time when such program is not being used directly or indirectly;
f) Be a party to any commercial activity related to the Game, including, but not limited to:
(i) providing or obtaining any item; or
(ii) providing or obtaining any Game Account; or
(iii) use of the Service, the Game, Content or Software in an internet cafe, cybercafe or computer game center;
g) Using, obtaining or providing data related to the operation of the Game, including but not limited to:
(i) software that reads areas of computer memory or storage devices related to the Game;
(ii) software that intercepts or collects data from or through the Game;
(iii) software that redirects communications from any software or Service; or
(iv) software not provided by Provider that creates or maintains any communication with the software or Service, including but not limited to any software that emulates the software or any part thereof, as well as any server that emulates the Service or any part thereof;
h) Violate any law or government regulation related to the Game;
(i) provide any person whose Primary Account has been terminated with any access to the Service, the Game or the software; or
(j) Assist others in violating the Regulations.

§6. Complaints

1. The Player has the right to make a complaint. The complaint must include at least the data allowing the identification of the Player and the indication of justified complaint and comments to the Services. Complaints may be submitted in accordance with the general principles expressed in the law, as well as via the e-mail address: [email protected].

2. The complaint must be submitted within a maximum of 14 days from the date of occurrence of the event that is the subject of the complaint.

3. The Provider considers complaints within 14 days, unless the Player has not described the subject and scope of the complaint in a way that allows it to be considered or has not provided data to identify the Player. In this case, the deadline for processing the complaint runs from the day on which the Player provided the Company with the missing information.

4. The Supplier sends the response to the complaint to the address indicated by the Player in his complaint report or in another form chosen by him (telephone/email address).

§7. Technical errors

(1) In the event of problems with the operation of the Services or other types of problems relating to the provision of the Services, the Player should contact the Provider by e-mail using the address: [email protected].

2. If the report refers to an error that occurred in the Services, the Player must describe the error as precisely as possible so that the Provider can immediately proceed to correct it.

§8. Withdrawal

1. The Player who is a consumer may terminate the Contract concluded with the Provider - on the basis of legal regulations, without giving any reason, within 14 days from the date of its conclusion. The deadline is deemed to have been met if before its expiry the Player sends a declaration of termination of the Contract.

2. The right to terminate the Contract concluded away from business premises or at a distance is not granted to the consumer in relation to service contracts, if the operator has fully performed the service with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the start of performance, that after the operator's performance, he will lose the right to terminate the contract.

3. The provision of section 2. above applies in particular to the purchase of virtual itens and other itens of value determined by the Provider within the Game.

§9. Amendments to the Regulation

1. Provider may amend these Regulations for important legal reasons (amendment of generally applicable legal regulations concerning Provider's activity or Provider's legal entity) or technical reasons or in connection with the development of the Services.

2. Players will be informed of the change to the Regulations in an e-mail message sent 7 (seven) days before the new Regulations come into force. During this time, the Player who is a consumer must again accept or refuse to accept the Regulations.

3. Specific provisions that were in force while the Player acted on the basis of them (for example - buying a virtual item at a specific price) remain valid in relation to this Player as long as the procedure has not been fully completed.

§10. Dispute resolution

1. The law applicable to the obligations arising from the Regulations is Brazilian law. Agreements are concluded in Portuguese, Spanish or English, with the Portuguese version being the binding version in the event of a dispute.

2. The consumer can use alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, in particular through mediation, conciliation or as part of arbitration (arbitration court). The list of institutions to which the consumer can turn for ADR dispute resolution is available at this link:

3. Consumers can also use out-of-court means to deal with complaints and redress by sending their complaint via the internet application, available at:

4. If the Player does not wish to use ADR or ODR, any disputes arising from the Regulations or the Services shall be settled by an ordinary court. When determining the jurisdiction of the court, the rules set out in the legal act applicable to the Player who is a consumer shall be followed.

5. Disputes arising between the Supplier and the Player who is not a consumer must be submitted to the court with jurisdiction over the Supplier's registered office.