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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Daily activities

Missions and events I should attend

Author of the guide: Impulse
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The game has a system of quests and activities that won't let you get bored. When you complete tasks, you'll receive nice bonuses in the form of Scrolls to increase character traits, XP Scrolls, Quest Points, etc.

All missions are divided into daily, weekly, monthly and one-off. On the main mission page there is a Mission Level tab; the bar at the top is filled with Mission Points, which can be obtained by completing certain missions in the following tabs. For example, completing the daily missions "Hunt in Transcendant Instance Zones" or "Assault on Elmoreden Tower" gives you 20 Mission Points each.

The most important missions

As the character's level increases, the number of missions increases, and there are many, so let's take a look at the main ones:

  • From level 60, you can take part in the Hunt in Transcendant Instance Zones (10 minutes daily). This is the main task for leveling up and replenishing your random resources craft. I advise you to keep an eye on the refresh time of your character's passive buffs, so that they don't start buffing in the middle of the instance.
  • Daily Hunting (level 76 and above) consists of 5 levels. You will have to spend more time on this mission, but as you level up and acquire better equipment, you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly it is completed. Every day you must kill 1,500 monsters. Monsters more than 15 levels below the character are not counted.

Achievement Box

The Achievement Box is another useful activity that brings resources by killing monsters and other players, staying online in the game, itens rare and special (itens of the Devoted Hero type) can be obtained from the box at random, giving significant bonuses to the character's characteristics. When you open the box, you must wait some time to receive a reward or you can immediately receive payment for a fee of L-Coin.

It is also possible to open additional chest slots to obtain more rewards, for which you will need to pay a considerable fee at Adena.

What useful activities to include in your schedule?

Game activities and rewards that will become available as you level up:

  • Missions
    • Kill 100, 200, mobs, etc. - visit and kill mobs in special areas of farm to get rewards
    • Participation in the Olympics - to get lots of rewards and increase the level of the mission - the reward changes every month.
  • Random Craft is a mechanic that allows you to create one of five random itens . You'll often find rare equipment and weapons that can be sold or used by you. Enchant scrolls for weapons and armor and epic itens can also appear.
  • Hunt in Transcendant Instance Zones (level 60+)
    • Available once a day. When you complete it for the first time, you receive an Extra Pass: Transcendant Instance Zone, which allows you to enter a Transcendant Instance again, with a limit of 2 times a day. If you have zCoin available, you can buy a daily extra pass in the L2Store.
    • Hunt in Transcendant Instance Zone is a 10-minute quest to kill mobs, the attack skill becomes AoE (massive and attacks multiple targets), a mini Raid Boss will appear with an additional reward in the form of itens consumables, many chests with materials to increase your Random Craft, and rewards in extra XP.
  • Olympics
    • 1-on-1 fights during the week, from 19:00 to 21:00. In total you can take part in 30 fights a week.
    • When the Olympics are available, the Olympics icon will appear in the top right-hand corner next to the map. The rewards for winning are Scrolls for XP and extra consumables for boosts.
  • Battle with Keber
    • Every day at the beginning of each hour at the places of Plains of Glory, War-Torn Plains and Sillent ValleyAfter 5 minutes, unusual mobs appear in a certain place (near a huge crystal), after 5 minutes super mobs appear (which give more adena and experience), and after 10 minutes - a Raid Boss. There is a chance of getting  Talisman of Aden.
    • You can run to the battle point with Keber and his assistants or teleport directly via the NPC Bonnie (Hunting Keber), Bonnie can be found in cities such as (Aden, Giran, etc.).
  • Orc Fortress (level 60+) - daily at 19:00.
    • There are two missions (Assault on Orc Fortress and Difficult Assault on Orc Fortress), which are interesting to complete as a group.
    • When you complete the missions, you can receive Red Lantern (100M XP), XP Growth Scroll and  Ancient Adena
  • Elmoreden Tower (level 60+) - special time-limited zone, available for one hour a day. The level of the mobs is distributed across the floors and they give a high amount of experience for all levels.
  • Tower of Insolence (level 80+) is another interesting location that is included in the quests. To speed things up, join a party, as the monsters in this place are strong, and the higher up you go, the more difficult it becomes.
  • Forgotten Primeval Garden (level 76+)
    • Special zone with limited time, 420 minutes per week. The zone consists of three locations: to the left is Speed, to the right is Authority and to the right is Eva's.
    • Within the Garden zones, you can complete daily quests by killing 100 mobs with special titles highlighted in green, and you can also complete a weekly quest for killing 1000 mobs. As a reward for completing each task you will receive Talisman Of Speed,   Talisman of Authority or Talisman of EvaThe rewards correspond to the locations.
  • Training Zones (level 76+) - special zone, once a day. You can choose different locations to train, don't forget to choose a Buff that will help you attack or defend better by talking to the training NPC. A Raid Boss appears 10 minutes before the end. You receive as a reward for the mission of killing the Raid Ancient Adena.
  • Primeval Isle (level 76+) - a special PvE zone, available every day for 120 minutes. You can keep your character there while you're not at the PC without worrying about PvP or PK.
  • Dream Dungeon (level 76+) - temporary zone, available once a week. From 2 people in a group. If you don't have a boost, you can ask someone in the group to complete the task.


Events are additional game activities that are periodically inserted into the game and last 2-3 weeks. During these events, additional tasks are inserted for which you can get many unusual bonuses, coupons for rare equipment or transformation scrolls and various other itens that provide additional features. The list of current events can be viewed at the link and the schedule at our roadmap.

Include in your schedule the capture of an incredible time zone, daily monster hunts, weekly quests and special zone quests (Elmoraden Tower , Forgotten Primeval Garden , etc.). Compensation will come during the game, find solutions and let luck be on your side, the more tasks you complete, the stronger you get.

What's important to do regularly on Lineage 2 Essence


Character statistics

It's important to monitor skill learning, changes in character characteristics, resource consumption (MP, Spirit Ore, etc.), prices on the server and in the zGaming Market, so you'll always know what and where is profitable to buy using Adena, L-Coin or zCoin. Complete missions regularly and take part in in-game events. Use the Game Assistant to add special properties to itens, buy and exchange resources, weapons, armor and other necessities.


Clan activities

Many useful itens are bought in the clan store using Honor Coin, which you receive in exchange for daily contributions in L-Coins. The number of products available for purchase depends on the level of the clan. Be active in the clan with daily contributions and receive additional bonuses.


Group Raids for Clans

By taking part in battles and defeating Raid Bosses with your clan, you get Raid Chests, boxes that can give you anything from useful consumables for your progress, to Epic itens and rare Spellbooks. So take part in battles to defeat raids and hope you're lucky enough to receive valuable itens in your boxes.


Solo Raids

Another interesting activity is farming in solo Raids; by choosing a Raid based on your level, you can teleport to any of them, using 1 Teleport per day for free, or paying a fee of L-Coins. You can receive rewards to help you progress in the game and improve your character.


Hidden Power Enhancement

If you've already added dyes to your character to boost their stats, you can improve Hidden Power in your daily routine. The boost allows you to add important additional characteristics to the Standards (P./M. Atk, P./M. Def, Critical Damage, etc.).


In conclusion, I would like to point out that Lineage 2 Essence is a comfortable game both for playing alone and for an incredible journey in the company of like-minded people. You can learn even more useful daily activities from more experienced players. To do this, don't be afraid, join a clan, communicate in the clan chat. Read the general chat and take part in the various weekly events (Valakas, Elemental, Dream Dungeon, Frintezza, etc.).

You can also find all the answers to the questions you're interested in on Discord or on our Wiki. It's especially important to understand what exactly your character needs to increase protection and cause maximum damage, so by buying only the itens you need, you'll get the most enjoyment out of the game.

Become the next great hero in the incredible world of Lineage 2 Essence.