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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23

Your game is more comfortable with the automatic farm


Auto-Hunting is a tool that allows the player character to hunt monsters automatically, without the need for constant manual commands. With this feature, the character can move, attack enemies and use skills automatically, following the settings defined by the player.

Advantages of Self-Hunting

  • Automation of farm: while Auto-Hunting is active, the character continues to gain experience and collect itens, making it easier to progress through the game.
  • Custom Configuration: it is possible to adjust the Auto-Hunting settings, defining which targets the character will attack, the range at which the character should attack or whether the character should avoid attacking monsters that are in battle with other characters around.
  • Efficiency: this feature is ideal for optimizing game time, allowing the character to evolve even when the player is not present.

Automatic use of skills, potions and scrolls

All classes can use skills automatically. A skill that can be used automatically is marked with a green tick at the top left of the skill icon, which indicates cyclical use. It is also stated in the skill's description that it can be used automatically.
You have to drag the skill to the shortcut bar and right-click on it to activate it; the skills will be used automatically when you activate Auto-Hunting.

Skills activated for automatic use have a glow effect in the shortcut bar

Potions, scrolls and other consumables can also be activated automatically. Just like skills, you have to drag the itens to the shortcut bar and right-click on them to activate them; the itens will be used automatically when you activate Auto-Hunting.

Potions, scrolls and consumables activated for automatic use have a glowing effect in the shortcut bar

Personalized self-hunting

At zGaming, we've customized Auto-Hunting to bring more convenience and efficiency to our players. In addition to the functions we already know, we've added the possibility of rebuffing in the city, setting your character's farm to a certain circumference, disabling auto-hunting when you click to move, among other functions.

zGaming Auto-Hunting

When you activate Auto-Hunting, note that a new button appears below for the Farm Offline. To find out more about this feature, visit this link.