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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Beta Rush

Get ready for this fierce competition and compete for great prizes!

An event in preparation for the Grand Opening of the Diamond server. Compete for the top spots in the rankings and compete for great prizes!

This is also an opportunity to simulate your start at the opening and work out the best strategy to progress faster.


  • Home: 06 August (Tuesday) at 20:00 (-3 GMT)
    • Login and character creation will be released 1 hour earlier - 19:00 (-3 GMT)
  • Final: 08 August (Thursday) at 20:00 (-3 GMT)

How it works

  • During the Beta Rush phase, the server's initial caps will be applied (same caps as for the Grand Opening)
  • A Special Edition Pack will be made available to all players (1 per account) via the L2 Store
    Go to the L2 Store and collect your pack immediately!


The top players (rank level) will receive the following awards at the opening of the server.

Type Awards
 Top 1 Server (Rank 1)  1000 R$ in Cash
 600 zCoin
 Top 2 Server (Rank 2) 400 zCoin
 Top 3 Server (Rank 3) 300 zCoin
 Top 1 of Each Breed (All 7 races)  Special Edition Pack
Top 1 Streamer (highest Lv. among streamers) 300 zCoin

The best video also receives a prize!

That's right! If you like recording and editing videos, you too can win prizes. All you have to do is record and edit a video with scenes from Beta Rush. It can be scenes from PvP, PvE, fun moments, etc... use your creativity!

The best video (chosen by the staff) receives:

 Special Edition Pack
200 zCoin

The video must be at least 2 minutes long;
The video must be uploaded to our Discord media channel by Friday (August 9th) at 18:00 (-3 GMT).

The video should contain the intro video and one of the zGaming banners, download the media:
- Video intro: click to download
- Banners: click to download
- Profile pictures: click to download

Reward for participation

All participants who have played for at least 12 hours and reached level 60 will receive some gifts for taking part:

High Elven Earring (30 days) - 1 pc.
Scroll: Boost Attack - 20 pcs.
Scroll: Boost Defense - 20 pcs.
XP Growth Scroll - 20 pcs.
Sayha's Storm - 20 pcs.
Maliss' MP Replenishing Potion - 20 pcs.
Special Pirate Fruit - 5 pcs.
Einhasad's Protection - 2 pcs.
Life Control Tower Blessing - 2 pcs.
Dandy's Home Run Ball - 2 pcs.

All rewards accumulate.
For example, if you reach Rank 1 on the server, you will also receive the Top Race and participation rewards.

Features disabled during Beta Rush

The following features will not be available:

  • zGaming Market
  • Insertion of Promo Code (packs, bonus code)
  • Achievement Box
  • Referral ID functions

We hope everyone has fun during this time before the grand opening on August 9th!
Good luck and enjoy the event!