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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Black Week

Adena discounts on the purchase of itens important for your evolution

Duration of the event

  • The event will last one week: from November 24 to December 1.


Take advantage of the last week of November with adena discounts on the purchase of itens important for your progress in the L-Coin Store and Special Craft.

This is your chance to invest and improve your character's itens !

Itens and values

L-Coin Store

Item Default value Black Week Value Discount
Scroll of Blessing: Weapon 30.00.000 Adena 21,000,000 Adena 30%
Scroll of Blessing: Armor 20,000,000 Adena 14,000,000 Adena 30%
Growth Rune 7,000,000 Adena 4,900,000 Adena 30%
Growth Rune Fragment 1,000,000 Adena 700,000 Adena 30%
Daily Life Stone Chest 5,000,000 Adena 2,500,000 Adena 50%
Daily Enchant Scroll pack 200,000 Adena 160,000 Adena 20%

Special Craft

Item Default value Black Week Value Discount
Venir's Talisman Fragment 1.00.000 Adena 750,000 Adena 25%
Enhanced Dye Powder 500,000 Adena 375,000 Adena 25%