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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Carnival Memories

Find Mimi the Cat and keep the carnival spirit alive!

Duration of the event

  • The event will last three weeks: from February 16th to March 8th.


Carnival is over, but the memories remain! To celebrate these memories, zGaming invites you to take part in our new event!
Meet NPC Mimi the Cat and keep the carnival spirit alive!

How to participate


Receive the effect of Carnival Memories

Every 1 hour, the NPC Mimi the Cat will be available in one of the main Lineage 2 Towns (Giran, Aden, Goddard, Oren and Dion).
Find him and interact with him to receive the "Carnival Memories" buff.

  • The NPC stays there for 10 minutes, after which it disappears until the next time it appears.
  • The cost of receiving the buff is 3,000,000 adena.
  • The Buff lasts 8 hours and provides the following bonuses:
Buff Effect
Carnival Memories For 8 hours adds +10% PvE Damage, +30% XP, +5 Speed. Possibility of obtaining the item "Enchant: Carnival Spirit".

Get the Carnival Spirit (Agathion)

You can also buy the item Carnival Spirit (Agathion) at this NPC for the cost of 20,000,000 adena.

  • The purchase limit is 3 per account (for the duration of the event).
  • This agathion can be enchanted to provide bonuses or exchanged for other rare itens .

Getting Enchant: Carnival Spirit

Under the effect of the Carnival Memories buff, you can collect the item "Enchant: Carnival Spirit" by defeating level 85+ mobs.

  • Obtaining limit: daily limit of 20 enchants per account (reset at 6:30).
  • Drop interval: random time up to 30 minutes

Chances of enchantment

With the enchants in your inventory, you can find the NPC Mimi the Cat again to enchant your Carnival Spirit agathion.

Enchant Fee Chance of success
Carnival Spirit +0 → +1 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +1 → +2 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +2 → +3 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +3 → +4 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +4 → +5 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +5 → +6 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +6 → +7 700,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +7 → +8 1,000,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +8 → +9 5,000,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit
Carnival Spirit +9 → +10 7,000,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit

Effects of Carnival Spirit

When you have the spirit in your inventory, you receive the following effects depending on your enchantment level.

Level Description
Carnival Spirit Atk. Spd. +20
Casting Spd. +20
P. Atk. +50
M. Atk. +50
Carnival Spirit +1 Atk. Spd. +50
Casting Spd. +50
P. Atk. +60
M. Atk. +60
Carnival Spirit +2 Atk. Spd. +60
Casting Spd. +60
P. Atk. +80
M. Atk. +80
Carnival Spirit +3 Atk. Spd. +65
Casting Spd. +65
P. Atk. +90
M. Atk. +90
Carnival Spirit +4 Atk. Spd. +70
Casting Spd. +70
P. Atk. +150
M. Atk. +150
All Critical Rate +1%
Carnival Spirit +5 Atk. Spd. +75
Casting Spd. +75
P. Atk. +180
M. Atk. +180
All Critical Rate +2%
Carnival Spirit +6 Atk. Spd. +100
Casting Spd. +100
P. Atk. +220
M. Atk. +220
All Critical Rate +3%
Carnival Spirit +7 Atk. Spd. +110
Casting Spd. +110
P. Atk. +300
M. Atk. +300
All Critical Rate +5%
All Critical Damage +1%
Received Damage -1%
Carnival Spirit +8 Atk. Spd. +125
Casting Spd. +125
P. Atk. +360
M. Atk. +360
All Critical Rate +6%
All Critical Damage +3%
Received Damage -2%
Carnival Spirit +9 Atk. Spd. +150
Casting Spd. +150
P. Atk. +500
M. Atk. +500
All Critical Rate +7%
All Critical Damage +5%
Received Damage -3%
Carnival Spirit +10 Atk. Spd. +200
Casting Spd. +200
P. Atk. +1000
M. Atk. +1000
All Critical Rate +10%
All Critical Damage +10%
Received Damage -5%

Exchanges for rewards

You can also exchange the itens type Agathion Spirit for the itens below:

Reward Value Limit
Sayha's Storm - 2 pcs. 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit - 1 pcs.
Aden Transformation Scroll - 2 pcs. 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit - 2 pcs.
Berserker's Scroll - 5 pcs. 500,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit - 2 pcs.
Life Tower Blessing Scroll - 2 pcs. 700,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit - 3 pcs.
Battle Support Scroll - 5 pcs. 1,000,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit - 4 pcs.
Dandy's Homerun Ball - 1 pcs. 1,000,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit - 4 pcs.
Hidden Power Booster - 10 pcs. 10,000,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit - 10 pcs.
Venir Talisman Fragment (Sealed) - 20 pcs. 10,000,000 adena
Enchant: Carnival Spirit - 10 pcs.
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories 150,000,000 adena
Carnival Spirit +8
Special Armor Pack 300,000,000 adena
Carnival Spirit +9
Boss Weapon Chest 300,000,000 adena
Carnival Spirit +9
Rare Accessory Pack 300,000,000 adena
Carnival Spirit +9
Doll Pack Lv. 1 300,000,000 adena
Carnival Spirit +9
Spellbook Chest - 4 Stars 500,000,000 adena
Carnival Spirit +10