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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
DKP Clan System

Defeat raids and get extra rewards

Unique zGaming system where players who defeat important raids in the game get extra rewards for participating.
IMPORTANT: the system of Raid Chests and Fragments (fixed drop from boss raids) remains unchanged with the addition of Clan DKP.

  • All clans from level 5 upwards have access to the Clan DKP system.
  • The system can be accessed via the button on the Clan interface (Alt + N > Clan DKP System).

How it works

Players automatically receive DKP points when they defeat raids or take part in events with their clan. By defeating raids, items can be obtained from their droplist and automatically added to the DKP system (without going into anyone's inventory). In the system, the clan leader can decide whether to send the drops to the shop or to the auction (DKP Auction).

DKP points can be used to buy these itens via the DKP Shop or via DKP Auction ( itens).


How to view points

  • The list of members and their points can be viewed on the system's main page or in the "Members" tab, along with their activity (participation in Raid Boss fights).
  • Each member's points history can be viewed by clicking on the player's name or the "Check DKP History" button. In this list you can see how the player obtained or spent their points.

How to get DKP points

  • The list of rewards for each event (victory in each Raid, Castle Siege, etc.) can be viewed in the "Events" tab; the values of these events are set by the clan leader(s).
    • This is the base value, if the "Enable GS/Class Bonus" option is unchecked, this will be the final value received in the events in the list.
  • The clan leader(s) can add extra DKP points of the desired value for the Command Channel or members close to it, according to their own criteria.

Combat Power bonus

An option to reward each player differently based on their Combat Power and Class.

  • This is an option to reward each player differently based on their Combat Power and Class, if "Enable Combat Power/Class Bonus" is selected.
  • When this option is enabled by the leader(s), the reward value of each event is multiplied by the Combat Power.
    • Example: if the event has a reward of 10 DKP Points and the player has 700 Combat Power in his character, the final reward for him will be 7,000 DKP Points (10 * 700).
  • In addition, the leader(s) can also apply an additional Combat Power bonus for specific classes, which will be added to the Combat Power Bonus. To view this data, go to "Events > GS Class Bonus".
    • Example: the player has 700 Combat Power in his character and his class is receiving an additional bonus of 100 Combat Power, his Combat Power Bonus will be 800. In this case, his final reward will be 8,000 DKP Points (10 * 800).

DKP Drops

Drops available

You can view the drops still available to be distributed to the Auction or Shop by the clan leader in the "Available Drops" tab within the "Drops" category.

In this same tab, the clan leader can select which type of distribution item will be added to, according to their own criteria.


In addition, you can view your clan's drop history and whether it was sent to the shop or auction, as well as when and by whom, in the "Drops History" tab in the "Drops" category.

Auction and Shop

You can use DKP points to obtain itens obtained by your clan through the Auction ( itens) or Shop ( itens).


The leader(s) can add the itens obtained to the system's "Drops" tab and set the values so that members can buy these itens using DKP points.

  • It is possible to configure each value of the itens and these are available for purchase as soon as the leader(s) are released. It is also possible to schedule the opening of the Shop for a specific date and time.
  • To buy a item it's simple, just have the amount of DKP Points for the item in the store and select the amount you want to buy (as long as the shop is open). The item will be mailed to the character and the DKP points will be deducted from it.




The leader(s) can add the obtained itens to the system's "Auction" tab and define criteria for participating in the auction. Basically, this function gives members the chance to obtain one of the itens based on the highest bid.

  • The leader(s) set the starting bid amount and the minimum to bid again, as well as the auction start time and interval for each bid.
  • It is also possible to create "requirements" for participation in auctions so that only members who meet the criteria can take part. These are the possible criteria that can be used:
    • Combat Power minimum quantity
    • Minimum quantity (%) of participation (Activity)
    • Specific classes (only defined classes can participate)
  • You can view the applications in the main auction tab.