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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
How to use the resources

What should I buy first?

Author of the guide: Impulse
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This guide is dedicated to an initial introduction to the game's economy and navigation through all the available game stores. The idea of this guide is to talk in detail about what to look out for first when making a purchase and what to leave for later.

Types of game currency

At the moment, there are four main types of game coins and how to get them:

  1. Adena - is the oldest currency in the game, regardless of the version of the game or the chronicles. How to get it? The main form is kill monsters In other words, adena falls off almost every monster in the game after killing them. In addition, they can be obtained selling unnecessary itens at NPCs - merchants located in every city in the game.
    You can also buy adenas at zGaming Marketin case you need more adenas, in case you have adenas left over, you can also sell them in the zGaming Market.
  2. Ancient Adena - these coins are your reward for actively participating in content. How to get it? Completing daily, weekly and monthly missions.
  3. L-Coin - acquired mobs from level 40 onwards in the game with an interval system between each drop, which allows all classes to maintain the same potential farm of L-Coins.
  4. zCoin - the currency that drives the zGaming Market, it allows transactions of itens base (Sealed) between players and can also be transferred to others. How to get it? Donating on our site or trading with other players who can transfer to you.

In addition to the main in-game currencies, the game has temporary events during which additional currencies are added, for example:

  • Giran Seal
  • Various coupons\ingressos\certificates
  • Other itens during short-term events

Where to spend the coins?


This is the most important currency for maintaining your character on a day-to-day basis, essentially you'll need it to buy the resources to keep your character going.

These are the itens priorities and essentials for buying with adena:

  • Spirit Ore
  • HP Potion
  • Maliss MP Replenishing Potion

You can buy all these itens at the L-Coin Store (adena tab) or at the Grocer Store in the main cities.

If you have adena available, use it to buy these itens:

Other important itens can also be bought to optimize your farm and explore special zones for longer, such as: Primeval Isle Time Stone, Primeval Garden Stone and Elmoreden Tower's Time Stone. So, if you have adena resources to spare and you like these zones of farm, it's a good idea to invest in these time-extending itens on a daily basis.
An affordable way to get some important itens such as Enchant Scrolls and Augmenting Stones is to also use adena to buy the Daily Life Stone Chest and Daily Enchant Scroll Pack daily in the L-Coin Store.

If you have a lot of money or want to invest in buying Adena from other players:

If you have a comfortable amount of adena or can buy adena from other players through the zGaming Market using zCoin, you can start working on improving the level of your adena. item Venir's TalismanThis is a item that has several levels and can be difficult to create at the higher levels.
So, only start doing this if you have high values (I only recommend it if you have 500,000,000 or more Adena), as each Venir Talisman Fragment costs 1,000,000 and you may need many attempts.


Ancient Adena

This coin cannot be transferred not even between characters on the same account. You can spend it in just one place: L-Coin Store, Ancient Adena section.
These purchases depend strictly on your needs. If you need Dye Powder to improve your dyes, you can spend a little every day to get it. However, if you intend to save up for Spellbooks to learn your skills, it is recommended that you wait a while and only use them when you have the full amount to buy your Spellbooks.  Spellbook Coupons.

Another possibility is to buy Spellbook Coupons and sell them on the zGaming Market, so you can get zCoin to buy other itens that you might need.



In turn, L-Coins can be used for various game features, such as itens base equipment or XP boosts, all of which can be found in the L-Coin Store section.

If you don't have boosts for your farm, prioritize buying them first, these are the main itens :

  • Giran Seal Pack
  • Boost Attack and  Boost Defense
  • Magic Lamp Charging Potion
  • Sayha's Storm or  Sayha's Gust
  • XP Growth Scroll

Once you're comfortable with your boosts, shop at itens for base equipment:

There are several itens available of this type (these itens are added as the server evolves), in which case I recommend focusing initially on the item you need, for example, if you have an Einhasad's Pendant Lv. 1 or don't have a pendant, prioritize buying the quantity available to improve it.
You can also buy a Starter Kit, if you haven't donated to receive a pack on our site, this pack will be essential for your progression in the game.

One tip is to search the zGaming Market for the value of these itens, so you can initially prioritize the itens that are more expensive and less accessible on the Market, optimizing the value of your L-Coin.

If you want to ignore the above tip, this would be the recommended order for buying equipment in the L-Coin store:

  • Einhasad's Pendant
  • Dragon Belt Pack
  • Enchant Kit: Talisman of Aden
  • Package: Cloak of Protection
  • Other talisman packs, according to your preference

IMPORTANT: Remember that the farm L-Coin resource is limited on a daily basis, so it's important to keep a number of L-Coins available as you can use them to get a Resurrection without losing XP in the event of death, or to teleport in Shared Locations.



This is a special zGaming currency that allows you to buy various itens and resources to greatly improve your character.

The tip here is to use your coins in the zGaming Market based on your goals and needs.
The zGaming Market, in turn, is a store powered by players and the scarcity or pricing of itens depends on supply and demand, so it's important to research the values before making any purchases.

Some itens can be more impactful than others on your character, such as Spellbooks, for example, which will allow you to learn much more impactful skills for your PvP and PvE, or Aden Soul Crystals, which will raise your character's defense and attack levels.
Here are some tips from itens to invest in that will speed up and optimize your game regardless of your objectives. The level of itens will depend on how much you can afford to buy. The more you can invest in zCoin, the better it is to invest in these higher-level itens .

  • Spellbook Coupons
  • Aden Soul Crystal: Armor
  • Aden Soul Crystal: Weapon
  • Armors A-Grade
  • Weapons A-Grade

As we mentioned in the "Adena" section above, one possibility is also to invest by buying a few Adenas to keep your gaming base comfortable.

Remember that this is a personal guide; as a player, you can analyze and define the best priorities and paths for your specific needs.
Markets can change, and so can everyone's priorities, so use this guide only as an initial reference if you don't know where to start.