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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Dream Dimension

Have sweet dreams in this new daily special zone


Dream Dimension is a zone with a time limit for characters of Lv. 85 and above.

Cycle Lv. Base time limit Period Time extension Teleport rate PvP
Diary 85+ 0 min. 22:00 to 10:00 8 hours 100,000 adena Not available
  • You can enter Dream Dimension via the Special Zones menu.
  • To extend your time limit, you can use the item  Dream Dimension's Time Stone.
    • You can get this item by completing daily missions, obtaining Mission Certificate and exchanging at the NPC Mission Manager, located in Giran
    • You can also get this item using zCoin via the L2Store
  • My Teleports and summoning are not unavailable when you are inside the zone.
  • The Share Location function is not available.
  • There is no XP penalty for dying, PvP is not available.

Spot guide

When you move into the zone, the player will spawn in front of one of the 3 dimensional bridges, after crossing the bridge, you can walk freely through the Dream Dimension or locate (God of Dreams) Morpheus who will be at the central monument when you leave the bridges, the God of Dreams Morpheus will help you teleport through the dream dimension.

  • Dream Lakes (Melee Single Target)
    • Melee mobs with high resistance to bows, firearms, magic attacks and area attacks.
  • Path to Awakening Meadow
    • A connecting area between Dream Lakes and Awakening Meadow .
  • Awakening Meadow (Ranged Single Target)
    • Ranged mobs with high resistance to melee attacks, area attacks and vulnerable to holy attacks.
  • Path to Nightmare Depths
    • A connecting zone between the Awakening Desert and Nightmare Depths
  • Nightmare Depths (Group Zone)
    • Group area for farm with area effect skills.

Dream Dimension Power

After staying in the zone for at least 1 hour, the player will receive a buff ( Dream Dimension Power), which renews every hour and increases your status up to level 5.

  • After level 5, the player will receive a item ( Dream Dimension Power - Item) which can be used at any time and when used the player will receive 6 hours of the buff.
  • If the player leaves the zone, the buff will be removed and their progress (buff level) will be reset to level 0, i.e. the player will have to stay in the zone for 1 hour to get the level 1 buff again.
  • If the player uses the item that gives them the level 5 buff for 6 hours and enters the zone, the buff will be removed and the player will start progressing from 0 in the buff instance.

Effects of the buff

Name Effect
Dream Dimension Power (Lv. 1) +100 P./M. Atk, +50 P./M.Def, +50 C./Atk. Speed, +10% Attribute Exp Boost, +1% Vampiric Rage
Dream Dimension Power (Lv. 2) +200 P./M. Atk, +100 P./M.Def, +100 C./Atk. Speed, + 20% Attribute Exp Boost, +1% Vampiric Rage
Dream Dimension Power (Lv. 3) +300 P./M. Atk, +150 P./M.Def, +150 C./Atk. Speed, + 30% Attribute Exp Boost, +1% Vampiric Rage
Duration: 1 hour.
Dream Dimension Power (Lv. 4) +400 P./M. Atk, +200 P./M.Def, +200 C./Atk. Speed, + 40% Attribute Exp Boost, +1% Vampiric Rage
Duration: 1 hour.
Dream Dimension Power (Lv. 5) +500 P./M. Atk, +250 P./M.Def, +250 C./Atk. Speed, + 50% Attribute Exp Boost, +1% Vampiric Rage
Duration: 6 hours.
Dream Dimension Power (Lv. 6) +500 P./M. Atk, +250 P./M.Def, +250 C./Atk. Speed, + 50% Attribute Exp Boost, +1% Vampiric Rage
Duration: 1 hour.
Dream Dimension Power (Lv. 7) +500 P./M. Atk, +250 P./M.Def, +250 C./Atk. Speed, + 50% Attribute Exp Boost, +1% Vampiric Rage
Duration: 1 hour.