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OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Improving my PvE and PvP

Tips to improve performance

Author of the guide: Impulse
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Here are a few tips for those of you who are already familiar with the game and are looking to optimize aspects of your character's evolution, whether in the progression of farm or in PvP combat. Remember that some classes have greater potential farm, and while others do better in smaller PvPs such as 1×1, 5×5, others are more effective in massive PvPs between several clans and groups.
So if you haven't chosen your class yet, check out our guide to better understand the potential of each one.

Useful tips for improving PvE


Choose the right area of farm for your class and level

  1. Always keep your Sayha's Grace active, don't forget to activate the Sayha's Cookies or Sayha's BlessingThis is extremely important.
  2. If your class has AoE (area attack) skills, look for places where the mobs are your level or lower (mob with the white name), so you can kill more monsters at the same time without worrying about dying. If your class is "single target" you can opt for stronger zones where the monsters give you more XP.
  3. Calculate the XP you're getting per minute, use the "select character" feature where you'll be able to see your XP gained window, you can click reset and time yourself for a few minutes. This way you can compare different zones and where the XP has been most advantageous for your current level.
  4. Explore the areas, make calculations and always try to optimize your time. By testing, you can always ensure that you're farming in the most effective way.


Look for groups to farm

  • If you have chosen a support class such as tanker or healer, look for groups to farm in the game, there are many players looking for groups to level up, you can use our "Looking for Party" feature (Alt + Shift + P) or simply advertise in the game chat.
  • Lineage II is an open-world game where many alliances are formed, so try to make friends and form a CP (constant party) where, with a group of friends, you can agree to farm together daily with a set setup, this can help keep your level constant.
  • Join a PvE clan. There are several clans on zGaming that are focused on improving your farm, in a clan you'll find more people to play with as well as getting passive clan skills that greatly improve your PvE.


Invest in the right itens

  1. Keep your Premium Account active. Secure a Premium Ticket in the game's L2Store, keeping your account in Premium status gives you various bonuses in XP, Adena and more.
  2. Raise your VIP level, use zCoins in the L2Store to raise your level, so you get bonus PvE damage and extra bonus XP.
  3. Focus on itens that will give you XP bonuses, the more bonuses you have, the more experience you get from the monsters. Some examples of itens that will give you bonuses, depending on your level: Talisman of Aden, Cloak of Protection, Moonstone, Agathion Joy, Einhasad's Pendant.
  4. Obviously, you also need to upgrade your equipment to deal more damage and take less damage from monsters, so it's also important to upgrade your character's weapons, armor and itens base.


Have a pet

  • Especially at lower levels, a pet will help you kill monsters more quickly. Some of the pets, like Kookaburra, have area skills that attack several targets. So get a pet and some equipment for it to get extra damage and level up faster. You can find out more about pets in this guide.

Useful tips for improving PvP


Use skills at the right time

  • Each class has its own skill mechanics, some of which are effective when applying certain "combos". Therefore, understand the skills of your classes and observe when to use them and in which situation each skill will be most effective.
  • If you have limited Magic Tablet or Spellbook resources, prioritize those skills that will have the most impact.


Understand the mechanics and limitations of your class

  • Some classes are more effective in 1v1 or smaller combats, while others are more effective in larger group PvPs (mass PvP). Daggers, for example, are effective in 1v1 and small group combats, but can suffer in a PvP with many players, needing to position themselves cautiously to attack at the right time.
  • There are natural class counters, meaning that your class can be ineffective against others. For example, Archers do little damage to Tankers, but do more damage to Mages and Healers. Prioritize attacking the right targets to take advantage of each class' potential.
  • Understand your "archetype" of play. If you're a support player, like a tanker, for example, don't expect to deal high damage to other players, as the tanker's main objective is to get enemies to attack you with lower damage.


Use debuffs and protect yourself from them

In Lineage II Essence, the debuffs applied can have very impactful effects on the game and, especially in the early stages of the game, are more likely to be applied to targets.

  • Use your debuffs.
    • If you have skills that you consider important, prioritize using them in PvP to weaken enemies before even using your attack skills.
    • Some classes like Dominator, for example, have debuffs that are applied in an area, so Dominators can use these abilities especially in larger PvPs to weaken a large number of enemies.
    • Level is an important criterion for the success or failure of a debuff, if your level is lower than the enemy, the chance of applying a debuff will be lower and vice versa. Observe your enemy's levels and try to prioritize enemies of the same level or lower to apply debuffs.
    • Some itens such as agathions increase the effectiveness of debuff types, invest in itens that improve your specific debuff types.
  • Protect yourself from debuffs: Invest in itens that will help you resist enemy debuffs.
    • The Opal brooch jewel, for example, increases your resistances and, depending on your level, gives you the ability to be immune to debuffs for a certain amount of time.
    • Some armors also provide resistance to certain buffs, Majestic armors provide resistance to "Stun" type debuffs, "Nightmare" armors provide resistance to "Hold and Sleep" type debuffs, "Dark Crystal" armors provide resistance to "Paralize" type debuffs, while "Tallum" armors provide resistance to "Fear and Silence" type debuffs. Therefore, you can invest in an armor to become more resistant to a specific type of buff, study your enemies and make the best choice to improve your resistances.
    • Position yourself well so as not to receive debuffs in PvPs. If you have received important debuffs, try to retreat to recover until the debuffs are removed.
  • Healers are important weapons against debuffs.
    • If you play a Healer class, use your debuffing or debuff-resistant skills on both yourself and your allies, this will have a positive impact on pvps.

Game features that improve PvP and PvE

Some game mechanics have an impact on both PvP and PvE, so it's important that you understand and improve them in the right way.


Character level

Your level determines several things in both PvE and PvP, the greater the difference between your level and that of the target, the greater or lesser the damage you apply or receive. In addition, the success and failure of debuffs is also impacted by level differences, so try to reach higher levels before participating in PvPs and moving to stronger areas of the game.


Elemental Spirits

The character's elemental spirits add various bonuses to damage applied, damage received and critical hits or damage. Investing in improving the levels of each element and distributing the points to increase attributes is important in the game, especially in PvP. You can find out more about elements in this guide.


Hidden Power

In this system it's possible to increase the characteristics of the characters on your account on a daily basis, whether they're defensive or offensive (you choose), level up your dyes and invest in raising the level of Hidden Power is essential for improving your base. Try to get Dye Powder daily to ensure that your Hidden Power progression is being increased.


Special Properties

  • Try to use Augment Stone: Armor on your armor and look for properties such as -Received Critical Damage, -Received Critical Rate and Debuff Resistance, so you get much more resistance and durability.
  • In your Augment Stone: Weapon, look for Soulshot/Spiritshot Damage or Skill Power properties to receive more extra damage.
  • As for the Augment Stone: Shield/Sigil, identify whether you need more resistance or damage, in the case of resistance look for Max HP or -Received Damage attributes, in the case of wanting to improve your damage look for stats attributes for your class (INT, STR, etc).


Always study your skills, choose a class that suits your playing style, this will make your journey more fun and comfortable.