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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Pagan Temple

Pagan Temple is a zone with a time limit for characters of Lv. 85 and above.


Pagan Temple

Pagan Temple is a zone with a time limit for characters of Lv. 85 and above.

Cycle Lv. Base time limit Time extension Teleport rate PvP Attribute
Weekly 85+ 10 h. 100 h. 100,000 adena Available Fire
  • You can enter Pagan Temple via the Special Zones menu.
  • Entry is available from Monday to Friday from 16:00 to 00:00 (server time).
  • To extend your time limit, you can use the item  Pagan Temple's Time Stone.
    • O item Pagan Temple's Time Stone can be purchased in the L2 Store for  4.90 zCoin.
  • My Teleports, summoning and Share Location are unavailable within the zone.
  • The daily mission Explore Kelbim's Fortress and Pagan Temple is disabled.

About the area

  • Access to Pagan Temple will be interspersed with Kelbim's Fortress, which means that the week Pagan Temple is available, Kelbim's Fortress will be closed (i.e. one week you'll only be able to access Pagan Temple and the next, only Kelbim's Fortress).
  • As soon as you enter the instance, you will see the NPC Eliwhich will help you move anywhere in the area:
    • Anterooms
    • Chapel
    • Area near Triol's Altar (only available on Fridays at 22:00)
  • The circular area around NPC Eli is a safe zone.

Evolved monsters

  • On Fridays from 18:00 to 00:00, the monsters evolve to Enhanced, first at 18:00 (Hot Time) and then at 22:00 (Hot Time).
  • When the HP of Triol's Priest and Triol's High Priest reaches 70%, 2 Priest's Guard and 3 Priest's Guard Warrior appear.
  • Priest's Guard and Priest's Guard Warrior disappear if they are not killed after a certain period of time.

Pagan Temple Raids

  • On Fridays at 22:00, with a 50% chance, the boss Andreas van Halter (Seer) or Andreas van Halter (Blood Seer) will appear.
  • 16 Praetorian Andreas appear in the Anterooms and 3 in the Chapel.
  • The 2 Command Channels who first defeat 5 Praetorian Andreas can enter the boss area. Talk to the NPC Eli and teleport using the "Move to the area near Triol's Altar" option.
  • Only a fixed, random number of players can enter the boss area - 40, 50 or 60. When the limit number of players inside the boss area is reached, a chat message will be displayed informing you of the limit reached.
  • Every time the boss loses 20% of its HP, a copy of Andreas van Halter appears.

Drops and Raid Chest Luck

Raid Boss Schedule Rewards
Andreas van Halter (Seer)
22:00 Andreas van Halter Chest
DKP Special Chest Lv. 2

Raid Chest Luck +3%
Andreas van Halter (Blood Seer) 22:00 Bloody Andreas van Halter Chest
DKP Special Chest Lv. 3
Raid Chest Luck +4%