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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Player Inspect

Total transparency! See character logs.

Transparency system where you can inspect players' equipped itens and logs of their latest actions.
Another unique and exclusive feature that you can only find on zGaming!

You can access Player Inspect via Personal Board (Alt + B).
Player inspect is a feature that can only be used by premium accounts.

  • By typing in the player's name and clicking on "Inspect Player" you will see the player's details.
  • The informed player must be online at the time you are inspecting.
  • The player's details will be divided into 2 main tabs (Equipments and Action Logs).
    • Equipments: you can see the player's equipped itens , by clicking on [+], you can see the details of that item (history of how the item appeared in the game and enchanst)
    • Action Logs: you'll be able to see details of how itens was obtained, how itens was enchanted or how it reached its levels;

Visualizing equipment

  • By hovering over a item, you can see all the details of the item.
  • By clicking on the [+] button for item, you will see the entire history of this item since its appearance in the game.

Viewing the logs

  • Obtained item: you will see the main itens obtained by the player and how this item was "created".
    • Date: date on which item appeared in the game
    • Type: type of creation (Random Craft, Special Craft, NPC purchase, L2Store, L-Coin Store)
    • Obtained item: detail of the item in question
  • Item enchant: you will see the history of enchants that have been announced in the game
    • Date: date on which the enchantment took place
    • Info: details of item and who it was enchanted by
  • Reached level: details of each level reached by the player
    • Date: date he moved up a level
    • Info: Previous level and achieved level

See it in action: