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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Primeval Isle

Lost Nest is a safe farm zone inhabited by primitive dinosaurs


  • Primeval Isle (special zone) is a safe farm zone for characters of Lv. 76 and above.
  • Entry is available via the 'Special Hunting Zones' interface.
  • The teleport fee is 10,000 adena.
  • After teleporting, there will be a 4-hour timer (initial stay time) next to the minimap. The remaining time can be viewed to the left of the minimap and in the 'Special Hunting Zones' interface, this time is reset daily at 6:30.
  • The dwell time can be increased by up to 720 minutes using the Primeval Isle's Time Stone, which adds 60 minutes.
  • You can also leave the zone before the time runs out by using a 'Scroll of Escape'. You cannot use the teleport function to leave the zone.
  • 'My teleport' and 'Summon friend' are not available in the zone.
  • There is no XP penalty for dying, PvP is not available.


  • When you move into the zone, you can talk to the NPC Gariachin to move quickly to a different part of the island.
  • Primeval Isle is divided into Primeval Plains (in the west) and Lost Nest (in the east).
    • In Primeval Plains you can find Lv. 80 monsters.
    • Lost Nest is inhabited by Lv. 85 monsters.
  • When attacking Tyrannosaurs and Dragons, you receive a special buff:
    Buff Description
    Burning For 30 seconds, acquired XP/SP +50%.
  • There is a special mission available in the area:
    Mission Level Description Reward
     Explore Primeval Isle 76+ A reward is given for defeating 200 monsters on Primeval Isle. Grace Potion ━ 50 pcs.

Golden Pig

  • Once an hour, the Golden Pig appears in the two Primeval Garden areas.
  • The monster appears randomly at one of the three points near the teleport point in each area. There is a chance of getting the Golden Pig Leaf by attacking the Golden Pig.
  • The rewards for killing the Golden Pig differ depending on where it was spawned:
Place of appearance Rewards
Primeval Isle
  • With a certain chance, Golden Piglets appear when attacking Golden Pig. When the pig is killed, Golden Piglets appear with a 100% chance.
  • 3 Piglets appear.
  • If you deal the last blow to Golden Piglets, you get Piglet-Bank Lv. 1.