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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Epic Primes & Raid Chests

PvPs in Prime and group rewards.


  • All Group raids will be announced in-game when spawning on the map, as well as on our Discord channel.
  • When viewing a group raid, the character will be in battle mode (Flag)
  • The map Raids remain with a fixed time after your death, just like in the official one.
  • Priests Raids respawn together with their Epic (e.g. Queen Ant and Priest of Queen Ant respawn at the same time), except for Baium Priest, which has a fixed spawn time of 21:00.
  • To ensure that everyone can take part in the battles for epics at prime time in Brazil, the respawn times of the priests/epics are randomized to a specific time (from 20:30 to 22:00) every day.

Check the respawn times

Raid type Respawn times
High Elite (CC Raids map) 22 hours after Raid's death
Epics & Priests Daily between 20:30 and 22:00 (random)
Chaotic Raids Every day at 21:00 one of the 4 Chaotics spawns in Seal of Shillien
TOI Raids / Baium Daily at 20:30
Baium remains as in Retail, it is necessary to kill all raids up to the 13th floor so that it can be born.
Gorde / Immortal Gorde Daily at 22:00
Lilith Monday and Thursday at 19:00
Anakim Tuesday and Friday at 19:00


Respawn times (Raids in timed-zones)

Raid type Respawn times
Aztacan (Aztacan's Temple) Daily from 12:00 to 00:00
Behemoth (Antharas' Lair) Monday and Wednesday at 22:00
Frost Lord Glakias (Frost Lord Castle) Tuesday and Thursday at 22:00
Kelbim (Kelbim Fortress) Friday at 22:00
Karim (Anthara's Lair) Every 1 hour
Kadin (Primeval Garden)
Tanas (Primeval Garden)
Daily at 20:00
Radin (Garden of Authority) Daily at 20:00
Ifa (Garden of Eva) Daily at 20:00


Share Location and Revenge blocks

  • It is not allowed to use the Share Location functions (create teleport point or teleport at a point) while in an area close to a Raid that is in combat (1500 range).
  • The central area of teleport blocks is demarcated by a visual totem next to each Raid group boss.
  • To ensure that PvPs are fair and it is possible to safely port to a regroup, we have modified and added locations for some teleports on the map (10 L-Coin) and in the normal teleport (Alt + F), check out the new options:
    • Queen Ant: Gludio > Ant Nest
    • Core: Dion > Cruma's Core
    • Zaken: Giran > Devil's Isle (location changed)

Drop of Raid Chest

The drops for group raids will be of the "Mass Reward" type, where the entire group (Command Channel) that defeated the Raid will receive a "Raid Chest" for the Raid they defeated.
The player must be close to the Raid and alive at the time of death to receive the reward.

In addition, players who took part in the battle but did not defeat the Raid will receive a "Raid Fragment" for the Raid.

  • To receive a Shard, the player must be very close to the Raid at the time of its death.
  • x2 Raid Fragments can be exchanged for a Raid Chest via the Raid Manager NPC located in Giran.

Types of chests

Chest type Raid where you can get
Command Raid Chest Lv. 80
All High Elite Raids (CC Raids) level 80
Command Raid Chest Lv. 80 All High Elite Raids (CC Raids) level 85
Command Raid Chest Lv. 90 All High Elite Raids (CC Raids) level 90
Priest of Queen Ant Chest Queen Ant Drone Priest (Priest)
Priest of Core Chest Priest of Core Decar (Priest)
Priest of Orfen Chest Orfen's Priest Lord Ipos (Priest)
Priest of Zaken Chest Zaken's Priest Mary Reed (Priest)
Priest of Baium Chest Angel Priest of Baium (Priest)
Queen Ant Chest Queen Ant (Epic)
Core Chest Core (Epic)
Orfen Chest Orfen (Epic)
Zaken Chest Zaken (Epic)
Baium Chest Baium (Epic)
Gorde Chest Gorde
Chaotic Queen Ant Chest Chaotic Queen Ant (Chaotic)
Chaotic Core Chest Chaotic Core (Chaotic)
Chaotic Orfen Chest Chaotic Orfen (Chaotic)
Chaotic Zaken Chest Chaotic Zaken (Chaotic)
Lilith Chest Lilith
Anakim Chest Anakim
Immortal Baium Chest Immortal Baium
Immortal Gorde Chest Immortal Gorde
Hellbound Raid Chest Ryuminir, Kelsour, Satina, Deiman (Hellbound)
Beleth Chest Beleth (Hellbound)
Behemoth Chest Behemoth (Anthara's Lair)
Ultimate Behemoth Chest Ultimate Behemoth (Anthara's Lair)
Frost Lord Chest Reggiesys,Slicing, Tiron (Frost Lord's Castle)
Glakias Chest Frost Lord Glakias (Frost Lord's Castle)
Dreadful Glakias Chest Dreadful Frost Lord Glakias (Frost Lord's Castle)
Kelbim Chest Kelbim (Kelbim's Fortress)
Furious Kelbim Chest Furious Kelbim (Kelbim's Fortress)
Andreas Van Halter Chest Andreas Van Halter (Pagan Temple)
Bloody Andreas Van Halter Chest Bloody Seer Andreas Van Halter (Pagan Temple)
Aztacan Chest Aztacan (Aztacan's Temple)
Anais Tower Ruler Chest Anais - Tower Ruler (Tower of Insolence)
Galaxia Tower Guardian Chest Galaxia - Tower Guardian (Tower of Insolence)
Juriel Tower Manager Chest Juriel - Tower Manager (Tower of Insolence)
Phiriel Tower Judge Chest Phiriel - Tower Judge (Tower of Insolence)

The chests will be updated as the server evolves, improving the itens/chances that can be obtained.

Looting Rights (holder of Raid Chests)

  • The group that receives the drops (Raid Chests and DKP Chests) will be the group that applied the most total damage to the Raid at the time it was killed.
  • The total amount of aggro/damage can be reset. In other words, by moving the Raid away from the original respawn, the looting rights are reset and the group with the highest damage afterwards receives the right to the loots.
  • Aggro/damage as well as raid drops can be viewed by clicking on the special "View Damage/Droplist" button located next to the Raid Name/HP.

Raid Barrier

Barrier automatically applied to group raids, where the Raid receives a barrier and becomes invulnerable (takes no damage while the barrier is active) when it reaches 75%, 50% and 25% of its HP.

  • To break the barrier, you need to apply multiple hits within 20 seconds.
  • If the barrier is not broken, the Raid has its HP restored to 100% and its aggro/damage reset.

Raid Chest Luck

A system where the player is rewarded with extra "luck" by taking part in battles against the game's main Raid Bosses during prime-time. This extra percentage is used in an attempt to collect epic and rare itens through Raid Chests.

How it works

To receive extra percentages, you just need to be alive and close to the boss at the time of its death.
You can view the current percentage in the interface at the bottom of the game (just above the character's XP progression bar).

Percentage received for being close to the Raid

Raid type Value of Raid Luck
- Priest of Core Decar
- Queen Ant Drone Priest
- Orfen's Priest Lord Ipos
- Zaken's Priest Mary Reed
- Angel Priest of Baium
1% Raid Luck
- Core
- Queen Ant
- Orfen
- Zaken
- Baium
- Gorde
- Behemoth (Antharas' Lair)
- Tiron / Slicing / Reggiesys (Frost Lord Castle)
- Hellbound Raids
2% Raid Luck
- Immortal Gorde
- Glakias (Frost Lord Castle)
- Kelbim (Kelbim Fortress)
- Andreas Van Halter (Pagan Temple)
3% Raid Luck
- Chaotics
- Immortal Baium
- Ultimate Behemoth (Antharas' Lair)
- Dreadful Glakias (Frost Lord Castle)
- Furious Kelbim (Kelbim Fortress)
- Bloody Seer Andreas Van Halter (Pagan Temple)
- Aztacan (Aztacan Temple)
4% Raid Luck
- Antharas 8% Raid Luck

Maximum values and reset

  1. The maximum accumulated chance for Raid Luck is 50%;
  2. Every day (at 6:30), 5% of the percentage is automatically reduced;
  3. The accumulated chance percentage is reset to 0% when you receive one of the rare or epic itens .

The chance used is increased for each of the itens on the list, see examples:

  • If a item on the list has a 1% chance of being obtained and you have the lucky raid at 50%, the percentage will be added based on that value (the chance value of that item will be 1.5%).
  • If a item on the list has a 1% chance of being obtained and you have the lucky raid at 20%, the percentage will be added based on that value (the chance value of that item will be 1.2%).

Raid Chest Improvement

New mechanic in epic primes, where players who took part in the battle and didn't win can improve their reward by buying an Extra Raid Fragment.

How it works

At the end of the battle (when the raid has been killed), players close to the raid who were unsuccessful in winning can get an extra "Raid Fragment" for the defeated raid by paying in L-Coin or zCoin.

  • A special window will appear with the list of fragments available for purchase.
  • Each fragment will be available for 2 hours, after which it will be removed from the list.
  • You can choose the type of payment (L-Coin or zCoin) when you buy the fragment.


Each type of fragment has a specific value, check them out:

Fragment type Value in L-Coin Value in zCoin
- Command Raid Fragment Lv. 70
- Command Raid Fragment Lv. 80
- Command Raid Fragment Lv. 85
- Command Raid Fragment Lv. 90
400 0.25
- Priest of Core Decar Fragment
- Queen Ant Drone Priest Fragment
- Orfen Priest Lord Ipos Fragment
- Zaken Priest Mary Reed Fragment
- Angel Priest of Baium Fragment
- Lilith Fragment
- Anakim Fragment
1500 0.99
- Core Fragment
- Queen Ant Fragment
- Orfen Fragment
- Zaken Fragment
- Gorde Fragment
- Anais Tower Ruler Fragment
- Galaxia Tower Guardian Fragment
- Juriel Tower Manager Fragment
- Phiriel Tower Judge Fragment
- Aztacan Fragment
2300 1.49
- Baium Fragment
- Frost Lord Raid Fragment
- Hellbound Raid Fragment
- Chaotic Queen Ant Fragment
- Chaotic Core Fragment
- Chaotic Orfen Fragment
- Chaotic Zaken Fragment
4000 1.99
- Immortal Gorde Fragment
- Behemoth Fragment
- Glakias Fragment
- Kelbim Fragment
- Andreas Van Halter Fragment
7000 2.99
- Immortal Baium Fragment
- Ultimate Behemoth Fragment
- Dreadful Glakias Fragment
- Furious Kelbim Fragment
- Bloody Andreas Van Halter Fragment
- Beleth's Fragment
- Antharas' Fragment
- Faction Battle Fragment
20000 4.99

Automatic PvP balancing

To help balance group raid PvPs, we've created a new system based on the number of each participating Command Channel.
In this system, the buff  Resilient Warrior is applied to Command Channel members in Raid Boss areas when the Raids are in combat.

  • All members of the Command Channel with the fewest players at the time of combat receive the effect.
  • The application of Resilient Warrior and its level are based on the difference of players in each Command Channel, starting from 5 members difference.
  • The effect received from PvP resistance (PvP defense) depends on the quantitative difference between the members of each command channel, the greater the numerical difference, the greater the resistance received through the buff.
  • The Resilient Warrior lasts 15 seconds and is automatically renewed near the Raid Boss spawn area (visual totem marker).

Detailed video on Raids:

Detailed video on Chests and Fragments: