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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Reroll (Change of Class)

Change class and experience new adventures

If you want to try out a new class in zGaming, but want to take advantage of its level and itens, it's now possible with the Ticket Reroll.

Class Change Coupon - With this item you can talk to the NPC Juni, located in the center of Giran or Aden, to apply a class change. The item is available on the L2Store and can be purchased using zCoin.

Item Price Limit
Class Change Coupon 99.90 zCoin No limits

This item cannot be exchanged, sent or sold on the zGaming Market.


Change Process


  • You must unequip all of your character's itens .
  • You must have at least 30 free slots in your inventory and a weight below 50%.
  • Only characters who have completed their third job can apply for a class change.
  • A character with Hero status cannot apply a class change.

Initiating change

  • With the Class Change Coupon in your inventory, you should talk to the NPC Juni.
  • It will give you some basic information about the reroll and, if you're ready and have the ticket in your inventory, you can be transported to the Reroll manager.
  • Now you have to talk to Hermin. She will give you exact information about what you will lose by applying the change.
  • Then you can select: Race, Class, Gender (DK and Sylph limited to males only).
  • The last confirmation window will be shown with all the options you selected earlier.
  • If you agree to all the terms, the Class Change Coupon will be consumed from your inventory and you will be disconnected from the game.

When you apply the change, you will have the following modifications

  • 15% decrease in the character's total XP (total XP gained, not related to the character's XP progress bar)
    • Whether or not levels are lost depends on the character's current level, taking into account the total XP table
Features that will be reset
All skills learned, including spellbook skills
Points distributed in stats (including elixirs)
Olympiads points (points will be reset on exchange)

You will need to manually learn the skills of the class after the change.

Resources that will be recovered after the change
Spellbooks 4*
Spellbook: White Guardian
Spellbook: Dragon Slayer
Glorious Books, obtained in level missions (Glorious Warrior, Inventory Expansion, etc.)

Spellbooks will be returned if the character has learned the skills before the change.
These itens will be sent via "Mail" to the character once the change has been finalized.