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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
I'm new to L2 Essence

What do I need to know?

Author of the guide: Impulse
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Welcome to the world of zGaming. Before entering the game, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the initial guides, such as the class guide, how to use your resources, and where and how to level up. This will greatly simplify your knowledge of the game and eliminate many doubts in the beginning. 🙂

Account creation and server selection

Account creation on zGaming is automatic, all you have to do is enter a login and password to log in. If this login has not been created by another player, you will have the account created and can start creating your character. Remember to only enter letters and numbers for your login, email is not accepted and you will have problems creating it if you enter one.

Once you have created your account, it will be saved in a list of accounts on your login screen, so you can easily log in to the game later by simply clicking on your account shown in the list.

Character selection

If this is your first contact with the game, be sure to read the guides on which classes and itens you can choose (there are many, if you look on YouTube) and you can also check out our class guide.

Many characters can be improved with adequate investments in boosts. Others are self-sufficient and with a minimum donation for a starter kit can be maintained without problems.

There are also some important points to consider:

  • Mages have a hard time with mana, they need an initial investment in MP potions to maintain their progression.
  • It's difficult for melee classes to reach mobs in some places, so not all locations are suitable for melee classes.
  • Some classes improve their farm by obtaining skill spellbooks.

The simplest character to get to grips with at the moment is Shillien Saint (Dark Elf Mage). It has many advantages that will greatly simplify the quality, but you can still choose absolutely any character. They're all self-sufficient, they all deal damage, they all have auto-buffs.

In addition, the game will soon feature the function of changing a character's class via Item - Class Change Ticket Coupon. If you change your mind and are too lazy to create a new character, you can change class. All the books you have learned will remain in the old class and when you return to it they will also be available.


Let's take a look at some of the menus and buttons you'll see immediately when you enter the game.

  1. Skills panel

    Here you need to place (drag with the left button pressed) your buffs/debuffs, attack skills, actions and consumable itens (you can drag from your skill list and inventory). If you can't add or move a skill/item, click on the padlock at the bottom right of the menu.
  2. Auto-Hunting Menu

    The automatic use of skills and itens from the skills panel is activated/deactivated by clicking on the sword inside the circle.
    Buttons located in the outer circle configure auto-hunting (target range, fixed or dynamic combat zone, visualization of your hunting location, respect mode for selecting targets, farm offline , type of target to be selected, activation of raid boss attacks, cancellation of auto-hunting when moving and tower rebuff system). You can learn about all the features of the Auto-hunting Menu here. accessing this guide.
  3. Vertical menu buttons in order:

    • Sayha's Grace: in the presence of Sayha's Grace, the experience gained is increased, the penalty for Adena mobs is removed
    • Elemental Spirits: increase damage/defense, depending on whether the mobs belong to a certain element.
    • Season Pass: a series of itens progressions, updated monthly and obtainable by killing mobs. The more mobs you kill, the more your Season Pass progression increases.
    • Special Zones: list of available temporary zones, all with a time limit, either daily or monthly
    • Game Assistant: features receiving itens, transferring itens to your account, upgrading itens, events, promotions and exchanging coupons
    • Ranking: rankings for all tastes: level, pvp, olympiad, pets, clan, races and classes
    • Achievement Box: reward for killing mobs or PvP that is opened after a certain time. You can get consumables or good equipment that is valid for 1 day
    • VIP level: XP bonus or damage bonus in PvE, which is increased by buying itens in the L2Store.
    • L2 Store: a store with a range of itens and resources that can be purchased using zCoin
  4. Game system menu
    You can access all the menu options by clicking on the bottom right button or by pressing ALT + X.
    You can also customize the bottom menu (display of the button at the bottom right) using the "Edit" button.
  5. Bottom information bar
    The bottom menu, located just above the exp bar, displays the following information:

    • Percentage of your current level: information on your progress towards reaching the next level (the level is reached when you reach 100%)
    • XP bonus: percentage of extra XP received when using itens and resources that increase experience bonus
    • Clan button: button to search for a clan in the list or access your clan's interface (if you are in a clan).
    • Search by Party: button to access the search and group creation interface
    • Purge button: a button in the game's content that lets you earn special points and rewards for hunting monsters in specific areas.
    • Magic Lamp percentage: current progression to receive a Magic Lamp and receive extra experience (the Magic Lamp is received upon reaching 100%)
    • Craft normal and special: systems of craft random and craft special for creating itens
    • Character coins: amounts of zCoins, L-Coins and Adena
    • and a button to change a set of equipment, where you can create 2 equipment schemes and swap them.

Game coins

  • Adena is an in-game currency that drops from mobs. It is needed to trade with NPC stores and players, to buy itens in the L-Coin Store. It is also used for many game mechanics - Random and Special Craft, events, enchant, compound, etc.
  • Ancient Adena is the in-game currency received for completing daily and weekly tasks (Missions). Which can be used in the special Ancient Adena tab in the L-Coin Store to buy armor, weapons, jewelry, skill books and other useful things.
  • L-Coin is the in-game currency required for purchases in the L-Coin Store, a series of basic itens , Enchant Scrolls and other utilities can be bought. It can be obtained by level 40+ players by killing mobs with a certain daily limit. Boxes with large amounts of L-Coin can also be obtained by defeating Raid Bosses.
  • Honor Coin is the in-game currency for the Clan Shop, where you can buy some useful itens . It can be obtained by donating L-Coin to the clan in the clan interface
  • zCoin is an in-game currency used to buy itens in the L2Store and zGaming Market. This currency can be obtained by donation, by selling an item through the zGaming Market or by transferring another character through the zGaming Market.

Initial supplies and equipment

  • Soulshot e Blessed Spiritshot are itens which, when used for each blow or skill, increase the character's Physical or Magic Attack. Automatic use is activated by right-clicking on the quick access panel (Skills Panel). It can be exchanged for a "Soulshot Ticket" at the Game Assistant or bought at the Grocer Store in each city.
  • Soulshot Ticket - coupons to exchange in the Game Assistant for Soulshot and Blessed Spiritshot. It can be obtained in some Missions, Random Craft, Achievement box or by buying a Supply Pouch in the L-Coin Store, "Adena Store" tab.
  • HP Potion - pots that restore your life points. It can be used automatically and configured in the quick access panel (Skills Panel). Regular potions can be obtained as a reward for some Missions, Random Craft, Achievement Box or can be bought at the Grocer Store in each city.
  • Scroll: Boost Attack e  Scroll: Boost Defense - when used, applies positive effects to the character for 20 minutes. Can be used automatically. It can be obtained through the initial quest chain, in the L2Store's Start Kits and packs or bought in the L-Coin Store (Misc. tab).
  • Sayha's Storm e Sayha's Gust are itens which, when used, increase the bonus of experience gained and skill points, but increase the consumption of Sayha's Grace. It can be used automatically. It can be obtained through the initial quest chain, in the L2Store's Start Kits and packages or bought in the L-Coin Store (Misc. tab).
  • XP Growth Scroll - gives an experience and SP bonus. It can be obtained through the initial quest chain, in the L2Store's Start Kits and packages or bought in the L-Coin Store (Misc. tab).
  • Spirit Ore is a consumable item needed to use some skills (especially buffs). It can be obtained with a chance in the normal crafting and achievement boxes, as a reward for some daily tasks, bought in the L-Coin Store or the Grocer Store in each city.
  • Giran Seal is a item obtained from promotional chests. It gives an experience/SP bonus and can be used to buy promotional itens in the Special Craft can be obtained from the L-Coin Store (Events and Offers tab).

From the moment you enter the game to the highest levels, you will be led through a chain of initial quests. As a reward for completing them, you will receive the basic starting equipment for your character - weapons, armor and the so-called "Adventurer's" temporary equipment (Cloak, Talismans, Belt, Agathions, Brooches, etc.). The equipment received in quests should be sufficient up to level 76-80. In addition, for a comfortable game, you will need to farm, upgrade or buy ready-made itens from other players or get help with Starter Packs.

Ways to improve weapons, armor and other useful itens :

  • Enchantment of itens - increasing the level of itens with Scrolls of Enchants
  • "Augment" from itens - adding skills to itens using Life Stones
  • Special Properties - adding extra effects using Soul Crystals
  • Compound - process of improving and increasing the level of itens by means of a special button on the interface

And hurry to get a pet. These pets can help you level up and kill monsters faster. To keep your pet useful, you need to upgrade them as a second character and invest not only in damage, but also in specific consumables and in maintaining them by feeding them.

Games activities

A detailed guide to daily activities has been compiled separately and can be found here.

We'll briefly consider that some of the equipment and interiors can be obtained through the game. To do this, you need to complete tasks, visit temporary zones and events on a daily basis.

A short list of tips on how to get some itens:

  • Cloak of Protection - daily quest in Tower of Insolence (level 80+), bought in the L-Coin Store for L-Coin.
  • Talisman of Aden - obtained in the battle with Keber, bought in the L-Coin Store for L-Coin.
  • Talisman of Speed - daily and weekly quest in the Primeval Garden Special Zone, bought in the L-Coin Store for L-Coin.
  • Talisman of Eva - daily and weekly quest in the Garden of Eva Special Zone, bought in the L-Coin Store for L-Coin.
  • Talisman of Authority - daily and weekly mission in the Garden of Authority Special Zone, bought in the L-Coin Store for L-Coin.
  • Gems - rewards for intermediate levels of missions, events
  • Agathions - Spirit Agathion Coupons can be bought in the L-Coin Store for L-Coin and then exchanged for selected Agathions.
  • Dragon Belt - bought at the L-Coin Store for L-Coin, obtained at Special Craft with a certain chance when using "Dream Orb" from the Dream Dungeon temporary zone.
  • Einhasad's Pendant - bought at the L-Coin Store for L-Coin, obtained at Special Craft with a certain chance when using "Dream Orb" from the Dream Dungeon temporary zone.
  • Circlet of Hero - bought at the L-Coin Store for L-Coin, obtained at Special Craft with a certain chance when using "Dream Orb" from the Dream Dungeon temporary zone.
  • Skills Spellbooks - Basic skills can be learned using Magic Tablets, while Spellbooks for skills marked with stars (1, 2, 3 or 4 stars) can be obtained with a certain chance at Random Craft and Raid Chests, it is also possible to obtain Spellbook Coupons with stars at the L-Coin Store by Ancient Adena,
  • Ring of Insolence and Dragon Valley Earring - rewards for intermediate levels of quests, events, purchased in the L-Coin Store by Adena

All of these itens can be bought from other players on the zGaming Market via zCoin, and if you have the chance to donate to get zCoin, you can buy some of these itens already enhanced and enchanted, which will greatly speed up your progression in the game.

One way to get Magic Tablets is to create characters and evolve them up to level 76. When you complete 3 professions, you get 10 Magic Tablets to learn skills.

Useful tips

  • Tip 1: Choose someone from the partner streamer program that you like the most and sign up using their Referral ID. You'll receive a series of rewards for reaching levels and completing objectives. You must enter the code when you first enter the game.
  • Tip 2: Connect our Telegram and/or Discord bot to monitor your character's activity. The bot will notify you if your character dies during Auto-Hunting or is disconnected from the server
  • Tip 3: If you experience lags when visiting different activities or populated locations, disable the display of shadows in the video settings, reduce the display radius of NPCs, mobs and other characters. If you still have problems, disable the options for skill animations and soulshots in the "Performance Settings".
  • Tip 4: Immediately try to find a clan in the game or on the Discord server. This will make it easier to understand the game if there are players in the clan who are willing to give you tips, it will also speed up your character's progression due to the clan's passive abilities.
  • Tip 5: If you can't enter a skill, action or item in the skills panel, check the padlock in the bottom right-hand corner of the skills panel, it locks and unlocks the use of the slots.
  • Tip 6: You can save Spirit Ore without using unnecessary enhancement skills (magic doesn't increase physical attack and physical critical hits and vice versa). If you run out of Scroll: Boost Attack or Boost Defense and the mobs are difficult to defeat, return to your previous farm location and continue leveling up there.
  • Tip 7: Don't miss the Trancendent Instance Zone e Aden Kingdom Defense every day - this is the best way to level up quickly in the lower levels. The faster you level up, the faster all the game's activities become available.
  • Tip 8: Don't miss out on the daily and weekly activities, take part in the events. This will help strengthen your character's equipment and speed up your farm.
  • Tip 9: Visit and read our guides, consult more experienced players in the game and on our Discord, our community can help you learn about the game even faster.
  • THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP: Enjoy the game. Study, experiment, don't chase the main donors. Play for fun!