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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Tauti's Cavern Instance

Take on Kunda's troops and defeat Raid Tauti in his cave


In the zGaming universe, a cursed creature called Tauti has gained absolute control, hiding in his fortified cave, guarded by his formidable troops of "Kundas". A fearless group of revolutionaries has joined forces to annihilate this army and free the world from this terrible curse.

However, Tauti's machinations have corrupted some of these revolutionaries, turning them into traitors who are now part of the enemy ranks.

It's time to join this group of true revolutionaries and take on Kunda's troops, unmask and defeat the traitors among them, and finally confront the great boss Tauti to restore peace to the world of zGaming.

General Information

Cycle Minimum level Maximum time Type of dunegon
Diary (account) 85 120 min. Party (2-5 players)

How it works

To enter, you must talk to the NPC zGaming Instance Manager in the "Tauti's Cavern (Party)" option.

There are two difficulty levels for entry, choose the one that suits you best. You can only enter once a day, regardless of the difficulty level you choose.

  1. Normal - suitable for players with less equipment or at lower levels
  2. Extreme - suitable for groups with the necessary support, more equipment and higher levels. The chance of getting rare itens is higher.

Getting started

When you choose the level, your group will be teleported to the beginning of the cave where you will meet Finaria, who will give you more information about the Dungeon, and just ahead, you will find a troop of "Kunda" monsters and traitorous revolutionaries. Defeat all the monsters to continue.

Collecting the Key

Moving on, you'll find a troop of Kundas to defeat along with the troop leader, "Kunda Lord". You must defeat Kunda Lord to get the Key of DarknessThis is the key to unlocking your access to the teleportation device.

Tip: Defeat the troops before facing Kunda Lord, so that you have easier access if you need to return to the dungeon later.

Revealing Tauti

With the key in hand, activate the teleport at the "TeleportDevice" NPC and interact to move your party to the upper area where Tauti is hiding. The player who collected the key will need to activate the teleport, Tauti will come out of hiding so you can face him.

Battle against Tauti

In battle, everyone needs to be on their toes. Tauti returns to his hiding place above and jumps back down to the ground, instantly defeating everyone below him.

In addition, Tauti has a series of control and damage mechanics that require attention during the challenge.

Skill mechanics

In addition to the series of skills that cause damage and apply debuffs, such as Tauti Shout, Tauti Shut, etc., there are some mechanics that should be looked at carefully.

  • Tauti's Cyclone
    • Kill all nearby playersTauti will send you a message about using the skill. In the next few seconds, move away from him so you don't get killed.
  • Tauti's Typhoon
    • Kill all players who are not nearbyTauti will send you a message about using the skill. In the next few seconds, get close to him so you don't get killed.
  • Tauti's Throw up/down
    • Tauti moves to the top of his cave, jumping to the ground and killing anyone below him.. Check the marking of the circles and move so that you are not within the tauti's fall area.

Extreme level

If you enter the dungeon at extreme level, in addition to the status of the Tauti boss (Level, HP, P. Atk) being higher, a new mechanic is added. The rewards for this level are also better depending on its difficulty.

  • Upon reaching 75%, 50% and 25% HP Tauti summons his "Zahak" allies who heal him (apply Heal) until they are defeated or controlled.
  • Each Zahak adds 1% HP at the end of the heal on the Tauti, the aim is to control or defeat as many "Zahak" as possible to reduce the effectiveness of the Tauti's HP recovery.
  • If Zahak is under the effect of a control debuff (sleep, stun, etc.) he doesn't apply the heal and the effectiveness at the end on Tauti is lower, the less Zahak uses the heal, the less 1% of Heal is applied at the end.
  • The Zahak disappear after appearing and applying heal to the Tauti 2 times.


Related missions

Mission Cycle Description Reward
Clearing Tauti's Cavern Diary Defeat 150 subordinate monsters inside Tauti's cave. High-Grade Red Lantern ━ 2 pcs.
Rebels Against Tauti
Weekly Beat Tauti 4 times a week. Rebel Certificate (7-day) ━ 1 pcs.

Rebel Certificate

When in the player's inventory, this item adds the following attributes: STR +1, INT +1, Soulshot/Spiritshot Damage +3%, Skill Cooldown -2%, Skill Critical Damage +100, Speed +5, HP Recovery Potions +30, Vampiric Rage +1%.


Rewards for defeating Tauti

Tauti (Normal)

Tauti (Extreme)

Guaranteed, 100% chance Guaranteed, 100% chance
Berserker's Scroll ━ 5 pcs. Berserker's Scroll ━ 15 pcs.
Hidden Power Booster ━ 5 pcs. Hidden Power Booster ━ 15 pcs.
Battle Support Scroll ━ 3 pcs. Battle Support Scroll ━ 5 pcs.
Charging Stone of Regular Craft ━ 5 pcs. Charging Stone of Regular Craft ━ 10 pcs.
Transformation Scroll ━ 5 pcs. Transformation Scroll ━ 10 pcs.
Dandy Homerun Ball ━ 1 pcs. Dandy Homerun Ball ━ 2 pcs.
Ancient Dragon Token ━ 1 pcs. Ancient Dragon Token ━ 1 pcs.
Chance of getting 1 of itens Chance of getting 1 of itens
Dye Booster ━ 1-5 pcs. Dye Booster ━ 3-7 pcs.
Advanced Pet Training Guide Advanced Pet Training Guide
Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessory
Boss Weapon Pack Boss Weapon Pack
Doll Pack Lv. 1 Doll Pack Lv. 1
Rare Accessory Pack Rare Accessory Pack
Special Armor Pack Special Armor Pack
Spellbook Chest - 4 Stars


  1. Always try to have a healer in the party, as Tauti applies powerful debuffs that can only be removed with special healer removal skills. Also, occasionally players in the party may die and resurrection is the quickest way to get back into the battle.
  2. Always try to have a tanker in the group, as they are more resistant to the Tauti's powerful blows. The best way to control the Healers (Tauti Extreme) is by using the Aggression and Chain Strike skills.
  3. Start the instance when you have time. It can be difficult to complete the mission and take some time, so plan to join the battle when you and your group members are active to complete it together.