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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Tower of Insolence

Tower of Insolence has become a special zone that you can enter via the > Special Zones interface.

Tower of Insolence

General information

Tower of Insolence has become a special zone that you can enter via the > Special Zones interface.

Cycle Lv. Base time limit Time extension Teleport rate PvP Attribute
Weekly 80+ 14 h. 154 h. 50,000 adena Available Wind
  • The time within the zone can be extended with  Tower of Insolence's Time Stone.
    • You can buy Tower of Insolence's Time Stone by  10,000,000 adena in the L-Coin Store and 2.90 zCoin in the L2Store.
  • For each consecutive entry you have to pay a fee.
  • "My Teleport" and summoning players are not available while you are inside.
  • The "Share Location" function is available.

Floor details

  • The higher the floor, the tougher the monsters.
  • After killing a certain number of monsters on the 1st to 3rd floors, the titled monsters will start appearing for 1 hour.
  • From the 7th floor onwards, all the monsters help each other.
  • Most of the monsters on the 8th floor and above are aggressive.


Heavenly Watcher monsters

  • Monsters with the title Heavenly Watcher can summon minions with a certain chance:
Floor Monster Minion
Floor 1 Resurrected Berserker Resurrected Fighter
Floor 2 Decayed Sage Decayed Protector
Floor 3 Brainwashed Berserker Brainwashed Protector
Floor 4 Hallate's Mighty Warrior Hallate's Henchman
Floor 5 Mighty Hard-skinned Beast Hard-skinned Beast
Floor 6 Evolved Mighty Hard-skinned Beast Evolved Hard-skinned Beast
Floor 7 Heavenly Kin's Watcher Heavenly Kin's Observer

Heavenly Kin's Loyal Knight

Floor 8 Mutated Watchman Messenger Mutated Observer Messenger

Mutated Loyal Knight Messenger

Floor 9 Watcher of Darkness Observer of Darkness

Loyal Knight of Darkness

Floor 10 Divine Warrior Celestial Witch's Twin
Floor 11 Heavenly Bodyguard Dynamis' Twin
Floor 12 Immortal Archangel Archangel's Twin

Raid attacks

  • Raids on the tower take place once a day (19:30).
  • Once the Raid on the current floor is defeated, the Raid on the next floor appears.
  • When you kill the Raid Boss Galaxia on the 13th floor, the Stone Statue of Baium appears on the 14th floor.
  • Interact with her to summon one or more of the following Raids:
One of them with a 100% chance With a 50% chance
  • Baium Lord
  • Immortal Baium Lord (10% chance)
  • Proceedings Tower Ruler
  • Galaxia Tower Guardian
  • Juriel Tower Manager
  • Phiriel Tower Judge
  • The more bosses appear, the faster the attack skills are used.

Raids on each floor

Raid Level Floor
Hostile Ghost Ramdal 85 1st Floor
Death Lord Hallate 86 2nd Floor
Kiege 87 3rd Floor
Immortal Savior Mardil 88 4th Floor
Ranku 89 5th Floor
Korim 90 6th Floor
Queen of Darkness 90 7th Floor
Kernon 90 8th Floor
Rafael 90 9th Floor
Longhorn Golkonda 90 10th Floor
Bloody Priest Malisha 90 11th Floor
Wrath Fire Shuriel 90 12th Floor
Cherub Galaxia 90 13th Floor
Baium 90 14th Floor
Immortal Baium 90 14th Floor