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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Training Zone

Special daily training zone where you can receive help and farm safely.

Training area


A special daily training zone where you can receive help and farm safely.
You can enter the zone via the Special Zones window (Alt + X > Special Zones).

Cycle Lv. Available Entry fee Type
Diary 76+ 1 time 100,000 adenas Soil
  • The timer starts as soon as you enter the zone.
  • You can leave the zone early with a Scroll of Escape.
  • If you have a Extra Pass: Training Zoneyou can enter the zone again. Re-entry is free.

About the area

  • Talk to NPC Grown to select monsters from a specific zone:
    • Plains of the Lizardmen;
    • Sel Mahum Base;
    • Orc Barracks (Kerr's Barracks);
    • Orc Barracks (Turek's Barracks);
    • Tower of Insolence (Floors 1-12).
  • Then talk to the NPC Tind to teleport to a training camp.
  • The monsters summoned are exactly the same as those you can find in the corresponding zones outside the Training Zone.
  • A Raid appears 10 minutes before the time to stay in the zone expires.
  • Sayha's Grace is not consumed in the Training Zone.


You can choose a buff for your training time, defensive or offensive.

  • Talk to NPC Toka to choose one of the attack bonuses or to NPC Eri to get a defensive buff
Attack bonus (NPC Toka) Defense bonus (NPC Eri)
P. Atk. +1000
P. Def. +1000
M. Atk. +1000 M. Def. +1000
Atk. Spd. +24% Max HP +33%
Max MP +33%
Casting Spd. +24% Speed +12
P. Skill Critical Rate +11% All received Critical Damage -15%
M. Skill Critical Rate +21% All received Critical Damage -300
All Critical Damage +500 All received Critical Rate -15%
Soulshot damage +10%
Spiritshot damage +10%
Received PvE damage -10%
Skill Power +10% HP Recovery Potions' Effect +100
All Critical Damage +15%
A chance to absorb 3% of the damage inflicted as MP
A chance to absorb 8% of the damage inflicted as HP