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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
Transcendent Instance

Transcendent instance zones are special areas where your skills are enhanced and you have to fight waves of monsters.


Zones of transcendent instance are special areas where your skills are upgraded and you have to fight waves of monsters within the given time.
You can teleport there via the Special Zones user interface by clicking on the button in the sidebar or main menu (Alt+X -> Special Zones).

  • The entry counter is reset daily at 6:30 a.m. (server time).
    • All transcendent instance zones have a shared cooldown. If you've entered one of them, the rest are unavailable until the next day, when the cooldown resets.
  • You have 10 minutes to clear a transcendent instance zone. Once the time is up, you will be teleported out.
    • There is no way to stop the zone timer or extend the dwell time.
  • No XP penalty is applied for dying in a transcendent instance zone.
    • You only have 3 minutes to get back if you died in a transcendent instance zone and got out.
    • Re-entry to the area is free.
  • Once inside, talk to the NPC Grand Master. There are no monsters yet.
  • The NPC Grand Master buffs you with the "Grand Master's Transcendent Blessing", which strengthens some of your skills. After that, the timer (10 min.) starts ticking and the monsters appear.
    • The buff strengthens your main attack skills, allowing you to attack several targets at once. These skills are framed in yellow.
    • As soon as the buff disappears or you leave the area, your skills become common again.
  • When you leave the zone, you'll see the results of your fight: XP earned, itens and adena.
  • Monster levels correspond to a zone level. What's more, the higher the level of a zone, the better the rewards.
  • In zones of transcendent instance, a Transcendent Guardian may appear:
Zone Monster
Plains of Glory Guard of Honor
War-Torn Plains Fierce Guard
Dragon Valley Dragon Warden
Sel Mahum Base Kura
  • In transcendent instance zones below Lv. 85, the "Grand Master's Transcendent Blessing" grants the following effects: HP Recovery Potions effect +50, absorbs 3% of the damage inflicted as MP (triggered with a certain chance).

There is a special mission that requires killing monsters in transcendent instance zones:

 Mission Start Location Requirements Objective Rewards
To Get Incredible Power High Priest Orven (Aden) Lv. 60+ Defeat 300 monsters in any transcendent instance zone. x20 Mission Points
Sayha's Cookie (100 pcs.)
Ancient Adena (50 pcs.)


Transcendent Instance Zones

Name Level Party limit Reset times Entry fee
Plains of Glory 60-69 1 6:30, daily 10,000 adena
War-Torn Plains 70-79 1 6:30, daily 100,000 adena
Dragon Valley 80-99 1 6:30, daily 200,000 adena
Sel Mahum Base 85-99 1 6:30, daily 500,000 adena
Giant's Cave 90+ 1 6:30, daily 3,000,000 adena
  • Talk to the NPC Grand Master in Giant's Cave to select the difficulty level: low, medium or high. This will affect the strength of the monsters that appear.