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Diamond [New] Since 08/09/24
OnyxSince 11 Aug 23
zGaming Market

Buy and sell itens in the game and make RMT!

System where players can buy and sell itens through the game using zCoins. With this, even itens that are of the "Sealed" type can be added to the market for sale.
In addition, the player can sell his zCoins in real money to other players and transfer the amount of coins to the buyer.

How to get zCoins

  1. By donating via the website, the player will receive the in-game value in zCoins(R$1.00 equals 1.00 zCoin).
  2. Buying from other players via RMT. The seller can use the market to transfer coins to another player.

You can view your zCoin via the bottom bar on the interface, in the L2Store or within the market itself.

How to access the market

Just click on your zCoin information or click on the button "zGaming Market" via the system menu (Alt + X).

  • You'll find 2 main tabs: Items on Market and My Transactions.
    • Items on Market: as the name implies, you can view other players' itens for sale, along with the best prices in Adena.
    • My Transactions: you can enter your itens for sale, collect your winnings or make a zCoin transfer to another player.
  • On the home screen you'll find an area to search for the item you want to buy and the best value adena packages on sale.

Selling itens on the Market

To sell a item, you must go to the [My Transactions > Register for sale] tab, where the window with your itens available for sale will appear.

  • Note that there is a 10% fee for the sale of itemwhich will only be discounted when item is sold
    • (example: if you register a item for sale at 100.00 zCoin, you will receive 90.00 zCoin when it is sold)
  • You can also see the price of the same item registered by other players, so you can select a competitive price.
  • When you enter item, it will be added to the market after a random time of up to 5 minutes.
  • If the item is rare (Itens A-Grade, Boss Jewels, itens enchanted base, etc.), an announcement will be shown to all players on the server. The announcement takes place before the item is added to the list for sale (random time).
  • The item remains on the market for up to 15 days if it is not sold.

Itens which can be traded on the

  • All weapons/armors/accessories (including sealed)
  • Epic dolls, jewels, etc (including sealed)
  • Spellbooks (including sealed)
  • Enchant Scrolls (including sealed)
  • Life Stones (including sealed)
  • Dye Powder (including sealed)
  • Magical Tablets (including sealed)
  • L-Coin Chests
  • Itens base (Belts, Talismans, etc.)
  • Adena

Itens that can NOT be traded on the Market

  • All Raid Chests
  • Lootboxes in general
  • Premium Account Ticket
  • Hunt Pass Ticket
  • Starter Kits and Settling Kits
  • XP Growth Scroll, Boost Attack/Defense, Berserker Scroll
  • My Teleport and My Teleport Book
  • Timed-Hunting Zone Time Stones in general
  • Extra Pass Training Zone and Transcendant
  • Supply Pouches
  • Offline Farm Stone
  • Weapon Skin Ticket, Armor Skin Ticket
  • Color Name / Title Changers
  • XP Growth Runes and Fragments
  • Soulshot Tickets
  • Spirit Ores
  • Sayha's Storm, Sayha Gust
  • Sayha's Cookies and Sayha's Blessing
  • Magic Lamp Charging Potion
  • Inventory and Warehouse Expansion tickets
  • Itens contained in Starter Packs
  • Attribute XP Rune
  • (all itens from the ADENA STORE section in the LCOIN Store)

Transferring zCoin

To transfer zCoins you must go to the [My Transactions > Transfer zCoin] tab, where a window will appear with your list of zCoins already transferred, their available value in zCoin and the fields for making a new transfer.

  • Note that there is a 10% fee for the transfer, which will be deducted from the transferor.
  • You must fill in the name of the Char that will receive the zCoin, and then the value.
    • The char must be Online in the game at the time of the transfer to receive the zCoin.
    • The final amount the player will receive is described under "Receiver Amount".
  • When the transaction is completed, the char you entered will automatically receive the zCoin along with a "Mail" informing you of the details.


  • Sale from item: 10% of the total value in zCoins (the seller will receive 90% of the value they entered for sale).
  • Transfer of zCoin to another char: 10% of the amount transferred.